Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The dog ate my camera

That's not fair. Nobody actually ate it. We were in Lancaster, PA, and the camera suddenly stopped working. It refused to read any memory stick. Fortunately, we were almost done with our little vacation so there wasn't much we needed to take pictures of. If it had happened earlier in the trip, I would have been royally pissed off. So, we checked with Sears and our warranty is still good until December. They are going to give us a new camera because they don't make ours anymore. Now for the funny part: it's working today. Dilema: do we still try to get a new one? I'm afraid that it will happen again after the warranty expires. Grr.


Anonymous said...

I say go for the new one, just in case.

Cheryl in AZ said...

Go for the new one, at least this way you will end up with a new warrenty as well.